Bringing sustainability, biodiversity, and economic opportunity.

Deuteronomy 11:8-9

“ … a land flowing with milk and honey …”


Bees provide honey & help feed the world by pollinating our crops.

Bees are God’s best and most efficient pollinators on earth. Without their work, most flowering and fruit-producing plants would die. Unfortunately, bee populations are declining, and we need to protect and multiply our bee colonies.

“Observe therefore all the commands I am giving you … so that you may live long in the land the Lord swore to your forefathers … a land flowing with milk and honey.” Deuteronomy 11: 8-9

What do we do in beekeeping?

We harvest honey from our own beehives and teach others about how to manage and benefit from beekeeping.

Bees play a very important role in pollination, helping to increase crop yields and safeguard our food supply. Bees harvest nectar from a wide variety of trees and plants to produce valuable honey.

One in three bites of food we take is the result of bees’ work.

Economic Benefits.

Forestry, combined with beekeeping, can produce long-term economic benefits while protecting God’s creation at the same time. Honey is in high demand, so once it is harvested, it is easily sold, and can provide a good source of extra income.