Frequently Asked Questions

  • Not necessarily. We start with farming because it is the greatest felt need. Biblical teaching is integrated into our training with farmers and leads into other topics, like the need for maintaining forests, watersheds, bee-keeping, and other creation restoration topics.

  • Creation has a Creator. Stewardship is about our divine responsibility to properly care for everything God has made. His ecosystems are designed to be beautiful, healthy, and diverse. They were created to reflect God’s glory and to provide a sustainable stream of life-giving resources that support both human and animal life.

  • We strive to bring the whole gospel to the whole person, restoring creation in a way that brings both spiritual and physical blessings to those in need.

  • Our vision is to expand Creation Steward International’s impact across Africa and to help other Christian agencies to embrace a similar vision.

  • Your gift helps us to train and transform people to walk closer with Christ who can bring hope to people struggling with poverty and hunger.

    • $50 - Trains 2 women how to make and use Fireless Cookers, saving trees and protecting families from harmful smoke in the kitchen.

    • $100 - Provides a 50% scholarship for one farmer or pastor to attend a 1-week gospel-centered training with Creation Stewards.

    • $200 - Pays for 1 week of local outreach, where farmers are discipled in God’s word and coached on how to restore their soil with Farming God’s Way (training).

    • $500 - Pays for 1 month of running our tree nursery, which provides indigenous trees to be planted to diversify farms and restore watersheds.

    • $2,000 - Covers the cost of travel and meetings for our "Training of Trainers" program, helping to multiply high quality trainers.

    • $7,000 - Pays for 6 months of running our satellite training stations in Western Kenya.

    • $10,000 - Helps establish new Creation Stewards Int’l training sites in Kenya and other countries.

    • $20,000 – Replaces our old fleet of 5 motorcycles used for local outreach activity.