Financial Integrity Statement
“For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.” 2 Corinthians 8:21 (NIV)
Creation Steward Int’l Financial Analysis 2023
We are committed to fulfilling these 7 Standards of Responsible Christian Stewardship …
Standard 1: Written Statement of Faith
Creation Stewards Int’l statement of faith clearly affirms our commitment to the evangelical Christian faith, operating in accordance with all of its biblical truths and practices to the glory of God.
Standard 2: Governance
Creation Stewards Int’l is governed by a responsible board of no less than five knowledgeable and passionately involved individuals. This board meets twice a year to establish policy, approve budgets, review its accomplishments, and to conduct an annual performance review of the Executive Director.
Standard 3: Financial Oversight
Creation Stewards Int’l prepares a complete and accurate financial statement every year. An independent certified public accountant reviews the annual financial statements and a 990 report is then sent to the IRS and made available to all of our donors.
Standard 4: Use of Resources and Compliance with Laws
Creation Stewards Int’l shall exercise the appropriate management and controls necessary to provide reasonable assurance that all the organization’s operations are carried out and resources are used in a responsible manner and in conformity with applicable laws, regulations, and biblical mandates.
Standard 5: Transparency
Creation Stewards Int’l shall provide a copy of its current financial statements upon written request and shall provide other disclosures as the law may require.
Standard 6: Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions
Creation Stewards Int’l shall set compensation of its top leader and address related-party transactions in a manner that demonstrates integrity and propriety, according to reasonable costs of living.
Standard 7: Stewardship of Charitable Gifts
Creation Stewards Int’l will always honor the giver’s intent for their donation. Appeals for charitable gifts will always be communicated with realistic expectations of what a gift will actually accomplish. We will make every effort to avoid knowingly accepting a gift from, or entering into a contract with, a giver that would place a hardship on the giver. We will provide every giver with appropriate and timely gift acknowledgments. Creation Stewards Int’l staff and resource consultants will only be paid on a pre-set budget amount and never on a percentage of what they might raise.
GuideStar is a national registry of nonprofit organization that recognizes ministries of distinction and transparency.