Since 2005, we have been restoring landscapes & lives through creation stewardship & discipleship.

Environmental abuse and neglect are root causes of poverty, hunger, disease, and death, leading to a loss of hope for many people across the world.

Our mission is to connect the whole gospel to the whole of creation – restoring landscapes and lives – lifting people out of poverty and dependency on foreign aid.

Our Work.

Creation Stewardship Training.

Our gospel-centered creation stewardship training is bible-integrated, practically-demonstrated, and Christ-exalting. We train local, national, and international community leaders, offering 1 or 2-day trainings, or comprehensive 5-day trainings, multiple times a year. These trainings incorporate a diversity of creation stewardship topics like Farming God’s Way, indigenous forestry, the use of fireless cookers, beekeeping, and the conservation of biodiversity.

Local Outreach & Discipleship.

We disciple local farmers and women groups through regular follow-up visits to build relationships. Bible study is combined with practical efforts to help people implement Farming God’s Way practices and other creation care solutions. The goal of this outreach is to uplift people out of poverty and dependency.

Hands-on Learning & Seedling Sales.

Our demonstration site is an outdoor classroom that provides many opportunities for hands-on learning about various topics, including Farming God’s Way, tree nursery management, the grafting of fruit trees, indigenous tree species, compost making, and beekeeping. Multiple kinds of tree seedlings, flowers, herbs, and books are available for sale.

Developing Trainers & Educating Church Leaders.

Highly qualified creation stewardship trainers are critically needed across Africa and in many other parts of the world. Through our Training of Trainers Accreditation Program,
we work to equip pastors and multiply individuals who can effectively train others.

Our Joy.

We have countless stories and memories of the work we get to do and the people we get to do it with. Here is just a glimpse of nearly 20 years of restoring landscapes and lives.

Our Training Site.

Outdoor classroom

Our demonstration site provides opportunities for hands-on learning about Farming God’s Way, indigenous forestry and tree planting, the grafting of fruit trees, protecting Kenyan birds of prey,* composting, and beekeeping.

*Creation Stewards cares for 2 raptors with permission from the Kenyan Wildlife Service and in cooperation with the Kenya Bird of Prey Trust.

Current Location

Our demonstration site is located in Kijabe, Kenya. In future, we hope to expand and build more training sites, both in Kenya and in neighboring countries.