Join us for Introductory or Comprehensive creation stewardship trainings.

1-2 Day Introductory.

If you would like to come for individualized, introductory training, you can schedule a visit to learn …

  • Farming God’s Way

  • Tree Planting & Forestry

  • Wildlife & Biodiversity

  • Fireless Cooker Construction

  • Beekeeping

To schedule a 1-2 Introductory training, contact …

Antony Muga, 

5-Day Comprehensive.

Our 5-day Creation Care & Farming God’s Way trainings are held six times a year. They incorporate …

  • Foundations: a review of urgent environmental issues facing Kenya and Africa, and teaching from scripture regarding the biblical call to care for creation

  • Training: teaching on various creation care solutions, including Farming God’s Way, reforestation, fireless cooker construction, beekeeping, and biodiversity conservation.

This training is held at Moffat Bible College, located in Kijabe. Accommodations are available at the Moffat Guesthouse. Partial sponsorships are available for those who qualify.

To join a 5-day comprehensive training, contact …

Antony Muga, 

Training of Trainers.

Through our Training of Trainers accreditation program, we work to equip and multiply individuals who can effectively train others. We work to sharpen the training skills of people who are passionate about this topic and who would like to spread the vision to others.

Does God want you to become a qualified trainer?

What are the steps in becoming an accredited trainer?

Step 1

Hear about the Creation Care and Farming God’s Way vision by attending one or more trainings at Creation Stewards Int’l.

Step 2

Read and write about the vision. Complete assignments from reading Scripture and books given to you.

Step 3

Begin implementing the vision on a practical level. Demonstrate your commitment by practically implementing some creation care solutions.

Step 4

Begin teaching others about the vision. Demonstrate your commitment by finding opportunities to teach others.

Step 5

Final Training assessment. You will conduct a full workshop where your training skills will be assessed by other accredited trainers.

Contact us to join the Training of Trainers program.